Sydney's zoo is a short (15 minute) ferry ride from Circular Quay. We spent about 4 hours at the zoo...and it was 4 hours well spent if I may say so myself! The first exhibit we saw was the Australian walkabout. There were kangaroos and wallabies lounging around as we walked very close to them. These logs were the only enclosure that "divided" us from WILD AUSTRALIA! (Oh, and that's Steve, the wild second mechanic!)

More from the walkabout:

The echidna (the animal on our coasters at home)...

Red Panda:

...and the run of the mill koala:

Giraffes feeding...check out the amazing view:

First Picture: Monitor Lizard, Second Picture: Komodo Dragon

And what Australian blog would be complete without the Tasmanian Devil:

Still to come: Birds of Australia
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